VUKE U18 A/B - Jó meccset játszottak a VUKE játékosai
VUKE A 101-69 VUKE B.
(28-17; 21-13; 16-31 és 36-8).
(28-17; 21-13; 16-31 és 36-8).
IDŐPONT: 2023.02.09. 19:00
HELYSZÍN: Veszprém, Vetési Albert Gimnázium
EDZŐK: David Martos Bertelli, Szeifert Zalán és Mádar András.
Edzői értékelés:
Partials say it all.
Both teams started quite well in attack, although taking the first two passes very badly, but defending not entirely well. When A managed to improve, somewhat, in defense, we played poorly in attack, although they managed to increase the advantage thanks to arreones and a good end of the first half, taking advantage of team B's fatigue.
After the break, team A started well, but without success, since we managed to throw layups and good shots, but they missed them. From then on the A team went into a tailspin since they thought more about the fact that they had missed easy shots than they had done a much better offensive job to get these shots and B team, boosted by extraordinary effectiveness, managed to come back to 4 points 65-61.
After the break between the 3rd and 4th quarter, team A came out as a team both sides defese (more above our pair and helping more and better) and in attack, especially passing better after rebounding and/or recovery and moving the ball much better in half court to find good shots that, this time, did go in (9 3 pointers in total), B, tired and with just enough strength, lowered his physical level although he did not stop trying.
In short, a very good match for B.
Team A only has to choose if they want to be the set of players with the same shirt from the 3rd quarter and part of the first half or the team from the last period, but without having to see the wolf's ears.
On Tuesday it's time to visit Fuzfo wiht the A team.
Team A only has to choose if they want to be the set of players with the same shirt from the 3rd quarter and part of the first half or the team from the last period, but without having to see the wolf's ears.
On Tuesday it's time to visit Fuzfo wiht the A team.
We keep working, we keep improving.
Részletes statisztika:
Következő mérkőzés
1970. 01. 01.
1970. 01. 01.
1970. 01. 01.
1970. 01. 01.
1970. 01. 01.